
  • Lit sparkles

    Maybe, I’m the firework


    Thinking about my 2023 goals, and I think I may want to sing live again.  Yes, again. Singing has always been a part of my life. However, most people might not know that I trained as a vocalist in a performing arts…

  • blank notebook page

    Writing on the blank page


    Pitch black at 5 AM. The last time I woke up this early it involved feeding Finn. I reach for the bedside journal, the one that used to be within arms distance, filled with chicken scratch pencil markings, the hieroglyphics…

  • Young woman wishing in nature

    Living your truth: how to be brave


    After nearly a decade working in tech, I wasn’t entirely surprised when AOL issued me a pink slip. In many ways, it was a relief–for all the time spent in those hallowed halls and on the Ploum couch in our marketing huddle, vast…